Ibiza PUBG Settings – Mouse, Videos & Keybinds Pubg Settings
Jord “Ibiza” van Geldere is an esports player that has made its name playing PUBG. He made his name by streaming online with his gameplays and represented numerous teams over his career. This esports player is basically frorm Netherlands. He was born in 1996 on August 24. Currently he is living in Europe and making his name for the title due to which people around the world know him very well.
Ibiza made his debut in PUBG in 2017. The first team he joined was Team Kinguin, for which he played for a year and then left in 2018. Then he got to join bigger teams and he moved on with his goals making his way all to the top. Players around the world admire him and want to know more about his playstyle and the settings he use for gaming purpose.
Following are various settings that this player uses in his PUBG game to be victorious in the battles.

Ibiza PUBG Mouse Settings
DPI 1,600 | Vertical Sensitivity 1.20 | General Sensitivity 9 |
Targeting Sensitivity 9 | Vehicle Sensitivity 9 | Iron Sight Sens. 50 |
2x Scope 9 | 3x Scope 9 | 4x Scope 9 |
6x Scope 9 | 8x Scope 9 | 15x Scope 9 |
Ibiza PUBG Video Settings
Refresh Rate 240 Hz | Resolution 1920×1080 | FOV 103 |
Brightness 100 | Screen Scale 100 | Anti-Aliasing Very Low |
Post-Processing Very Low | Shadows Very Low | Textures Low |
Effects Very Low | Foliage Very Low | View Distance Very Low |
V-Sync Off | Motion Blur Off | Sharpen Off |
Ibiza PUBG Keybinds
Move Forward W | Move Backward S | Strafe Right D | Strafe Left A |
Interact F | Walk “ | Sprint Left Shift | Jump Space Bar |
Crouch Left Ctrl / C | Peek Left Q | Peek Right E | Prone Z |
Toggle Camera Caps Lock | AutoRun = / Num Lock | Vault V | Freelook Left Alt |
Fire Left Mouse Button | Aim Right Thumb Mouse Button | ADS Right Mouse Button | Toggle Canted Sights Alt + Right Mouse Button |
Reload R | Primary Weapon 1 1 | Primary Weapon 2 2 | Side Arm 3 |
Melee Weapon 4 | Throwables 5 | Toggle Firing Mode B | Holster Weapon X |
Inspect Weapon J | Increase Zeroing Page Up | Decrease Zeroing Page Down | Toggle Ads/Scope Right Mouse Button |
Cook Grenade R | Use Med Kit 7 | Use First Aid Kit 8 | Use Bandage 9 |
Use Heal Item Hyphen | Use Boost Item 0 | Map M | Mark My Location Insert |
Delete Marker Del | Extended Minimap N | Quick Marker Left Mouse Button / Thumb Mouse Button | Inventory I / Tab |
Item Quantity Control J | Toggle Thowing Stance G / F1 | Emotes Wheel F4 | Mission List P |
Toggle UI Ctrl + U | Toggle Key Guide Alt + K | Push To Talk T | Settings 0 |
Unarm X | Next Weapon Mouse Wheel Up | Previous Weapon Mouse Wheel Down | Motorcycle Air Contro Left Ctrl+ Space |
Use Grenade G | Toggle Option Alt +K | Place Marker Insert |

These settings are different for every user based on his playstyle and system performance. You can adjust the sensitivity and keys according to your hardware options and settings. You dont have to worry about having these settings. These are custom settings set by Ibiza according to his playstyle.
In case you have a high end performing PC build up and you are using mechanical keyboard with quick access keys, then you can make your gaming experience much easier with shortcut keys. Getting a gaming mouse can help you alot as good DPIs and number of mouse buttons can add good performance in your playstyle.
Do check out the some of the best earphones and headphones for pubg
Try applying these settings to your game and see if it works for you. Otherwise you can choose to go to Cheer park in the game and adjust sensitivity and controls according to your playstyle.
What settings do pro PUBG players use? Who is Ibiza?
Jord van Geldere, also know as Ibiza is an eSports player. This Dutch professional player regularly plays PUBG and streams on Twitch. People love his playstyle and skills. He is the part of Team Liquid and currently he has maintained a very high profile in gaming world. He was part of Team Kinguin in 2017 which he left to join bigger team. He is one of the greatest players in PUBG and he is very hard to beat.
How many tournaments did Ibiza win?
Ibiza won 1st place several times in many tournaments including GLL Season 3 Europe and also the StarSeries i-League Season 2. He also won the title with Liquid team playing as a squad that consisted of his partners: jeemzz, Mista, Jembty and Sambty. All of his achievements and videos can be viewed on his YouTube channel which he posts regularly about his game with all highlights and features.
What GPU does Ibiza use?
Ibiza uses the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GPU in his gaming system. This is a great GPU for performance and high FPS enabling the user to play at a very smooth frame rate. This is one of the reasons that Ibiza has a very strong gaming performance.
What settings do pro PUBG players use?
PUBG settings can have great impact on game style and performance. Having help of Gyroscope can improve the playing style of a player. Following are some best settings for any PUBG player.
TPP without scope: 95-100%
FPP without scope: 95-100%
Holographic, Red Dot, Aim Assist: 90-96%
2x Scope: 100-12%
3x Scope: 65-70%
4x Scope, VSS: 45-50%
6x Scope: 20-25%
8x Scope: 20-25%